Idea is the episode that stays in your brain whereas Innovation starts when your idea comes to the desk. A careful look into the past suggests that an idea is an invisible innovation, and it is the first phase of innovation. Over the past few decades, the views on innovation and innovation processes have undergone significant development. Innovation is not considered as a linear and closed process rather it is an open process where knowledge is shared from external resources. We all had at some point a breakthrough idea. It may be a business idea, a technical idea, an application idea or an idea that can change our society or has the potential to make a difference in our everyday life or that will help someone in some way. The majority of them unfortunately remain only ideas without any practical realization, whereas, innovation is about improving something that has already been invented. It’s about transforming an idea through the process of research and experiment into a tangible solution. An idea may not look feasible in the first instance but it’s worth a try with a new set of knowledge and new way of putting into the respective application. Whatever the case may be, an idea guides the society to look forward and shape the society in different ways. It goes without saying that not all ideas will be accepted, but every idea deserves its own space, and every idea deserves to be expressed at least.

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